RSR Event

Contact Matt Huber if you want to go:   DO NOT REPLY TO THIS EMAIL
 If you do not want to walk, you can drive between stops. Walking is not mandatory.
The weekend in Grand Rapids is on. Here are the details:
Brewery Walking Tour
Tour will start at 11:00 AM. Will visit 4 breweries. Approx. 12 samples will be included in the tour cost. Additional ‘samples’ will need to be purchased. The walking tour will take 4 hours and will require around 2 miles of walking. We could add lunch if the group wants to add one.
We can go to a restaurant for dinner as a large group if there is an interest to do so. We are open to suggestions. Prefer a place within walking distance from the hotel.
On Sunday we can visit Saugatuck or Meijers Gardens if there is an interest.
Where: Downtown Grand Rapids
Tour cost: $28/person (may be adjusted due to attendance)
When: Oct. 23rd, the tour starts at 11:00am
Hotel: Amway downtown. $145/night or you can choose a different hotel if you choose to do so. Everyone is responsible for their own reservation.

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