RSR News

While it's still pretty wintry outside in S.E. Michigan the Rally Sport Region PCA HPDE Team has put together another busy HPDE season for 2024.  Two are in the books and posted on MotorsportReg and two soooo close, but no link yet.  Grab your favorite beverage and take a gander.

Our traditional season opener will be at Waterford Hills for our beginner-centric HPDE.  But don't let its subject line fool you — ALL are welcome!!  Please pencil in Tuesday, May 14th, and stay tuned to this channel for updates as they happen.

Next is our premier 3-day at Grattan Raceway near Grand Rapids, MI Friday-Sunday June 07-09.  And it's premierier (sp?) than usual.  How so?  Yes, we'll have our three days of learning on wheels with Friday for Advanced drivers and instructors to hone their skills.  But there's more!
1. World renowned Driving Coach, professional driver in multiple series, author of the Speed Secrets series of books, and long-time friend of RSP Ross Bentley will be onsite for the entire weekend to move our instruction up a notch or two.  More glorious info soon via a separate, dedicated Email blast.
2. Friday — and most-likely parts of Saturday — there will be continuing/advanced MSF Level training for those interested.
Here's the MSR link for more information and registration:
     June 07-09, 2024 RSP-PCA 3-Day HPDE @ Grattan Link

Late-summer will be another Tuesday HPDE at Waterford Hills.  Traditionally it's held in early-September, but we're negotiating with Waterford to bump it back a month into August to spread out our HPDE fun a little.  Stay tuned.

Last, but definitely not least, is a return visit to GingerMan Raceway near South Haven, MI September 28 & 29.  We all had such a good time last year that we twisted their management’s arm (a little) and had a contract in-hand before we left there Sunday afternoon!  Like last year it'll be a no frills 2-day HPDE, Saturday & Sunday, with no dinner nor entertainment, but plenty to due on-track and touristy things to do in South Haven during downtime.  Here's the MSR link:
     Sept. 28-29, 2024 RSP-PCA 2-Day HPDE @ GingerMan Link

How's that all sound?  Here's a list of contacts if you need/want more info of what's on-deck:
  Event Chief Instructor, Christian Maloof, at 734-646-2746 or 
  Event Registrar, Charlie Brown III, at 734-358-2393 or
For Grattan & GingerMan HPDEs:
  Event Chair: Tom Green, at 734-417-0030 or
    Event Asst. Chair: Alex Green, at 734-417-5307 or
For Waterford HPDEs:
  Event Chair: Kevin Kral; or 630-795-9924

This email was sent by Glenn Trapp and the National Porsche Club of America, Inc. © Copyright 2024 Porsche Club of America Inc. All rights reserved.
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