RSR Event

Contact Matt Huber if interested:   DO NOT REPLY TO THIS EMAIL
The weekend in Grand Rapids is on. Here are the details:
Brewery Walking Tour
Tour will start at 11:00 AM. Will visit 4 breweries. Approx. 12 samples will be included in the tour cost. Additional ‘samples’ will need to be purchased. The walking tour will take 4 hours and will require around 2 miles of walking. We could add lunch if the group wants to add one.
We can go to a restaurant for dinner as a large group if there is an interest to do so. We are open to suggestions. Prefer a place within walking distance from the hotel.
On Sunday we can visit Saugatuck or Meijers Gardens if there is an interest.
Where: Downtown Grand Rapids
Tour cost: $28/person (may be adjusted due to attendance)
When: Oct. 23rd, the tour starts at 11:00am
Hotel: Amway downtown. $145/night or you can choose a different hotel if you choose to do so. Everyone is responsible for their own reservation.

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