RSR Event


Questions? Contact Mike O’Rear at:

You can download the route to your phone from this link:

If you take pictures at the event, please share them with other members at this link:

Upload Summer Tour Pictures

Please be sure and bring face masks.  

Regardless of your personal feelings on the issue they will be required for the driver’s meeting.

To make the start of the event easier and more Covid-19 compatible the hosts would appreciate it if you would download, print, sign and bring both waivers to the event.

Both waivers must be printed in color to preserve the red text.

PCA Communicable Disease Waiver 

PCA Release and Waiver of Liability


This email was sent by Glenn Trapp and the National Porsche Club of America, Inc. © Copyright 2020 Porsche Club of America Inc. All rights reserved.
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