Bahn Stormer

The Bahn Stormer is Rally Sport Region’s official publication. The Bahn Stormer is an award winner in both 2013 and 2014. In 2013, the Bahn Stormer came in 3rd, and in 2014 it came in 2nd at the annual PCA summer parade! The Bahn Stormer is created every month by Porsche lover and club editor Mike O’Rear with assistance from his wife Kathy. The hardcopies are picked up and bundled for mail to club members who want paper version each month.

A yearly subscription to The Bahn Stormer is included with your membership in the Porsche Club of America (PCA). If you are not a member of PCA, you can subscribe to the Bahn Stormer by sending $18 (for a one-year subscription) to Membership Chairman Glenn Trapp. For additional membership information, please visit our membership page.

We’d love to hear from you! Got a great idea for an article? Is there a subject you would like to see featured in The Bahn Stormer? Send your articles, ideas and comments to the editor. We look forward to hearing from you!


Back Issues

All of the old issues can be found in our Archives page.